Rotutietoa shiboista löytyy Suomen Shiba ry:n sivuilta
Rahkkasan shibat jalostustietojärjestelmässä
Asuimme Tokiossa Japanissa vuosina 2010 - 2012. Siellä ihastuin japanilaiseen kultturiin ja sitä myötä ihastuin myös japanilaisiin rotuihin, erityisesti heidän pienimpään kansallisrotuunsa, shibaan. Minulla oli onni tutustua kantanarttuni KAZAKOSHI NO WAKAMIDORI GO YOKOHAMA ATSUMI "Miki" (kasv. Nobuo Astumi) ja jalostusurokseni KINRYUU GO TOMI NO SHUREI "Yasu" ( kasv. Yuuichi Tomimoto) kasvattajiin vierailuilla heidän kotonaan.
Rodunomaisella, tasapainoisella shiballa tulisi olla nämä ominaisuudet:
Kan-i = sielukas rohkeus, itsevarmuus, ylevyys, tasapainoisuus.
Ryousei = lojaali ja kuuliainen luonne , vahva tietoisuus, isännän kunnioitus
Soboku = luonnollinen kauneus, joka loistaa hyväntuulisuudesta ja teeskentelemättömyydestä.
Kan-i, Ryosei, Soboku – these are the only three words the great people of Japan have used to describe the Shiba Inus personality.
Kan-i emphasizes the bold nature of the Shiba Inu. A dog that does not hold back on any work. The Shiba Inu is a bold dog who has a strong- independent nature. These dogs may indeed have a fairly gentle, adorable look. But, rest assure they are brave dogs that were designed to hunt prey during the harsh cold winters of Japan.
Ryosei describes the Shiba Inus subdued, kind nature. The Japanese created not only an ultimate hunter and watchdog, but they also created a dog that, when with their masters- will remain kind, gentle and loyal by nature.
Soboku is the final word that pulls the Shiba Inus personality together. The term Soboku can be quite complexing to understand. But, its not considered a “trait” , rather one should think of Soboku as an overall appearance.
The Shiba Inu is a powerful, intelligent, faithful dog and so he must reflect his majestic person in the way he carries himself. The Shiba inu was created as an art piece. These are dogs that are meant to have a very simple, classic and elegant appearance.
Still not sure what Soboku means? If we look at our modern day dog breeds like the Goldendoodle, the Poodle and Spaniels. All these dog breeds are indeed beautiful animals with exquisite personalities. However, they are very transparent and “showy”. A Shiba Inu on the other hand has a simple look! No one would be able to read the true, strong, brave and bold personality of the Shiba Inu.